by germinatrix | January 31st, 2010
There are no words. NO. WORDS.
Throughout my afternoon at the Huntington, I was running around squealing. Gasping. Sighing. I was in the throes of passion. People stared – I didn’t care! But since I had lost my head, I didn’t check the names of many of these incredible aloes – I’ll do some research, and fill those in. I had to post these NOW- I wanted the pleasure to wash over you as it did me!
Blooming Aloes! AAAAAAaahhhhhhh!!!
I hope this was as good for you as it was for me…
Wow, I’m going to have to run in htere & visit this week before the show is over. Great photos!
I have a word: fantabulous! I’ve never seen anything like this in person. But boy do I hope to one day. Thank you, Germi, for giving us this vision.
OMG!!!!!!! Your pictures are amazing!
Germi you summed it up perfectly, horticultural orgasm indeed!
Very groovy and sensuous. I hope the other aloes like ferox and reitzii soon become as widely available and planted as the lovely arborescens. Something to look forward to.
Oooh. I knew you’d like them. The aloes were magnificent!
I shouldn’t have looked. Zone envy!!!! I need to plan a trip to CA next winter.
Ulp…well….dang! I want to be there! No, I want there to be here! No, I just want!
Amazing pictures. I don’t smoke but suddenly I would like a cigarette. No need for a light those Aloes are burning hot specimens!
I feel like I just opened a bedroom door without knocking first and was a little slow in closing it.
This reminds me, I need to get over to a nursery near me that specializes in aloes. It’s a shame to miss them when they’re blasting into bloom. Love the way they do it now, when nothing much else is going on.
If you can stand more, um, excitement, check out my photo essay, “Aloes Sizzle in Southern California” at
Well gosh–I can see why you are having such a time of it. Sure made me excited. I’m glad you invited me. I hope I can come back, I mean–we did put on and all–you reckon anyone will admit to knowing us after this? Maybe two such passionate people should not meet in such a place.
The very first time I saw an aloe in bloom was when we forced some for a flower show in NJ in February. Until that time I was a virgin. Your pictures make me want more, more, more, but I’ll have to settle for the few we see here in the cold NE.
(takes drag on cigarette & passes it to the Aloe…)
Another word along the lines of “pruining”: Horticultural orgasm = “florgasm”. Yes, I made that up myself. :>
Also, THANK YOU for id’ing A. speciosa! I photo’d this Aloe at Flora Grubb and was super frustrated that the hand-written tag said “Aloe sp.”, thinking that it meant un-identified Aloe species! Turns out… Now I know how to demand it by name!
As you said, there’s just no words! Except one…TOTALLY HOT. Okay – that’s two. I can’t believe I lived down there for a few years and NEVER went there! Thanks for these, most incredible, photos!
Whoa! (faints)
OK…fanning myself here… does anyone have an ID on the cactus in photo 3? My mom’s got one and we’ve been trying to figure it out forever.
What a lovely collection of Aloes! Huntington does it again.
Susie! YES! Go ASAP! You won’t be sorry – it is another PLANET!
Dear Pam! You MUST plan a trip to coincide with this aloe bloom craziness! You will flip. I mean literally – you might do cartwheels! But of course you’d have to be careful or you’ll land in a Whale’s Tongue agave!XO!
Megan! THANX! I’m always sheepish about my less-than-stellar photo skills – but sometimes the stars align! AND I couldn’t have had a better group of models, right?
Just wait, Nicole – one day, all this will be yours! YOU will be the aloe outpost of Trinidad!
OMG Loree – totally. It was obvious – the sexy was BURSTING out all over! I was actually a little embarrassed a few times, but I got over THAT really quickly!
Oh, Chuck I so TOTALLY agree with you – it would be amazing to have oceans of aloes of all kinds planted with a free hand. I can’t believe I don’t have a ferox in my collection – but that will soon be fixed. They are TOO beautiful. Another great aloe for mass plantings would be A. ciliaris hybris – the groundcover aloe. I love it! So useful AND cool!
Fern, if it weren’t for you I might have missed it! I was getting distracted by dumb stuff like work – but when aloe bloom calls, EVERYTHING takes second place! Thanks for the great heads up – I owe you one!!!
Joseph – Next year, around this time, I’ll be there – we can be drooling hort fiends together!
I hear you Jane – that’s the way I feel! I WANT! I WANT THEM ALL! NOW!!!
Pat my friend! I HATE to encourage such a habit, but if a cigarette was ever in order, it would be after a visit to the Huntington at this time of year. It is so overwhelming and fabulous. Very, very satisfying. These hot aloes will TOTALLY light ANY fire!
Hi Les! HAhahahaha! I am a proud purveyor of the some of the finest HortSmut on the web! Glad you enjoyed … feel free to take another peek!
Debra! A specialty Aloe Nursery near you! DO TELL… I have still have many on my ‘must have’ list! These plants are just so fantastic – and seeing them in a huge collection is such a treat!
Thanks for the link – it was fantastic, of course! I always learn so much from you – and enjoy myself while doing it! XO!
PS. everybody – Debra’s new book … another homerun!
Anna! OMG – if you and me and Joseph and Pam and Loree and other fiends descended on the Huntington at once, we might shut the place down. That much plant love in one place could very easily get WAY out of control!
Oh, Susan – it sounds like you would be JUST like me if you lived here! I don’t know if that’s a GOOD thing, but hey …
Eden! WAIT! I saw that on Debra’s Aloe round-up, she has it ID’d as A. petricola … and I’d trust Debra over me! I was in a state … a bit out of control!
FLORGASM – it WILL be added to the lexicon immediately! You are too much!
HEY – I love your Flickr photo stream and was THRILLED to see images of the Parker PS there! I designed the plantings of that central garden for Elysian Landscapes! I’m a proud mama…
Sweet One! HOT is right! But it is very easy to miss – I must admit that this is my first time to be there during prime aloe bloom time! You know, it’s easy when something is close by to say … okay, I’ll do it tomorrow… I’m so glad I dropped everything and WENT!
And there is always next year … road trip?!?
Summer! Thank goodness you had smelling salts close by! I am pretty certain the cactus is a Cereus peruvianus, but I could just be assuming that because the size and color are right! I’ll check on that and make sure…
ooo! Oooo, OOOO! (these scenes bring the cheeky-monkey out in me.) (insert an Austin Powers “yeah baby” face here.)
I knew this post was going to be good! But not this good!!! Germi, you are out of control! And I am now rocking back and forth in my Lazy boy, drooling and constantly repeating a mindless monologue…must get them all…must get them…etc
Wow, loved all the images, what an amazing and magical place The Huntington is with the aloes in bloom…you need to supply all the readers on your blog-roll with a virtual “flyer” before you post anything like this again so we know what they all are. How DARE you keep us all hanging That third picture is my favorite! And oh yes, I will scour the seven continents, tame the high seas to find this one! (insert a captain Jack Sparrow face here, while we are into inserting stupid facial expressions.)
Loved it as always.
Cheers G.
WOW! all the pictures shared in this psot seems to bea very remakeble work of excellent photography…..Cool Job!
You are sooo right! Succulent beauty over load! How great to get those cool pictures… thanks for sharing!
Wow! Those plants/blooms are amazing. Thank you for sharing AND for the entertainment!
Pretty hot … almost indecent, wouldn’t you say? This is definitely a place for the Cheekiest Monkey to enjoy, and then think about it later, in a tubfull of bubbles!
I want ALL of them and was totally embarrasses to not have them identified! But I really did go somewhat berserk – I was giddy and in a fog, and my Minion (who accompanies me everywhere) was trying his best to keep me from climbing on the lava rock berms and embracing the aloes. I didn’t read the tags below the specimens! Bad Germinatrix, BAD! I promise to follow up and identify!
I can’t imagine what that beauty in #3 is! It has the leaf and form of A. ferox, but those amazing yellow candelabra flowers, almost like A. marlothii! WHat IS IT? I will join you on the quest, Captain Jack! But I get seasick, so … we can split the duties – I’ll scour the continents and you can tame the high seas!
Witchy G to ESP,
Over and Out!
Why THANK YOU, Luxury Bali Villa … I’m not absolutely certain that you aren’t spam – but what the hell! I’ll take the compliment!
Dirty Girl, I LOVE to share beauty! Thank you for letting the beauty glop all over – it was extreme, wasn’t it? Glad you enjoyed it!
Hey Angela! It’s the place – it was unfolding in such a glorious way – I was LUCKY to be there! So glad you enjoyed it! More exclamation points!!!
Thanks! that’s been my guess too, except mom keeps telling me, no, they have lots of arms, and I keep telling her, yeah, but yours has an arm now, and so on and so forth yada yada yada, and now I’m going to say, well *that* one looks like yours, and then we’ll argue about it some more.
Anyway I can’t blame you for not getting all the names… who could think straight in such a situation?
You’re going to throw me back into withdrawal symptomes. Now I’m missing the Huntington again. Amazing aloes!
No words. Only tears.
Another place with a fabulous aloe garden (as well as other beautiful garden areas) is Lotusland in Santa Barbara. Lots of other succulents, a Japanese garden.
Wow! That really is amazing. I have never seen aloes look so good! *drool*
Aloe Lust.
I have a handful in pots that are getting ready. I should head out and take bud photos!
(phoeniz, az)