by germinatrix | August 11th, 2011
It is time for me to do MY book giveaway! I’ll bet you were all thinking that I was never going to give away a copy of the book I wrote – HA! I fooled you! Not only are we giving away a copy of The Edible Front Yard, my lovely publisher, Timber Press, has generously added a copy of the Sugarsnaps and Strawberries (written by the amazing Andrea Bellamy of Heavy Petal) to the mix! And that isn’t ALL! The fabulous folks at, the online home of Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply, have created a special custom seed collection inspired by the “Supermodels” of ornamental edibles that I list in my book! 20 packets of gorgeous, certified organic, non-GMO seeds were donated – thank you Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply (find them online at! The coolest, sexiest, warm AND cool season Supermodels Seeds will be sashaying their way around some lucky winner’s front yard – How awesome is THAT? And then there is a special present from me – a framed cartoon that I drew with my very own hands, depicting a few of the beauties that were making their presence known in my garden this year – before I ATE THEM!
So here we go! Leave your comments and in one week, we will have a winner! Go crazy with your comments – woo me! The winner will be chosen randomly, but still – woo me! I like to be flattered and purred over, and I want to know how you plan on using this treasure chest of goodies should you win!
XOXO Your Germinatrix
Would love to win – those books and seeds look fantastic!
OMG…what an amazing giveaway!!! I haven’t been able to garden in over 15 years until now and am so enthused. Moved to a place with no sun in the yard…and then moved to a place with nothing but weeds and rocks for a yard. We kept saying we would get it together and plant a garden, but this year I had it with the waiting game. My husband built me a seed starting area in our basement, I bought non gmo seeds from the local organic store and started planting. My husband made me a 7×10 ft gutter garden for strawberries and a 4′ wide x 6″ deep salad box that I have on the front porch. He tilled up the yard on the south side of our house (which was one of the weed patches I was mentioning) and now we have a 30×15′ garden. I can’t wait till next year when I can actually start the seeds when they should have been started. And can’t wait to enlarge the planting area.
I just moved, and although my indoor territory is limited to a bedroom = my outdoor territory is carte blanche! :*D
If I’d win, I’d use the knowledge gained from what sounds like is an exceptionally wonderful book(s) to guide me in the replanting (removal of lawn) in my new front yard AND encourage/demonstrate/guide my new neighbors in converting their bare/plain lawns into food producing powerhouses too!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this great prize set :*)
oh, what an exciting giveaway! thank you so much for hosting it!
I would absolutely love to win your prizes. I am a very avid grower, and more seeds and wonderful gardening books can only be a good thing! (It is an illness…addiction perhaps?)
Your pictures ARE wonderful.Green, lush and lovely. You’re having fun too-I know it!
All the best
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I’ve been eating my front yard since before it was cool! However, I’d love to learn from the master! Please enter me in your wonderful contest.
Love this idea! I have a very grey thumb but I hope to get better at gardening and be able to grow my own herbs at least!
This looks like one of the beat giveaways ever! We have been planting veggies with our flowers, but this year the chickens got everything, lol. Once we get those birds squared away we want to try again!
When I lived in town, I had food tucked into the front yard anywhere the city code found it acceptable. My 120 sq feet backyard and small front yard provided all of the produce our family needed. Now that we live in our orchard, we have low-water wildflowers along our over 100 yard driveway to prevent erosion, and folks see part of our food garden on the way to the house.
What a happy garden this would make! Oh, the endless possibilities of great recipes and happy tummies!
I have been stalking The Edible Front Yard since it came out! I’ve read through it at the bookstore and every page is just delicious! Hope I win!!!
Raising three children, and growing only what time would allow (seemingly not that much!), I’ve now embarked on a new life in the soil. A big thanks to Sunset for introducing us all to your book and blog, and to you for educating and inspiring me. I’ve truly begun a new chapter in my life in the soil. I hope to soon devour your book, and look forward to using our cold Colorado months planning and improving next year’s vision for a sustainable life. Thank you for sharing!
What a FANTASTIC giveaway. You can thank Sunset for spreading the word. I would love to read your book and put your concepts to work. Thank you for sharing your talents. Cheers!
I don’t actually have a front yard, just a stoop — but my little back yard would love to have a crack at growing those seeds and *I* would love to learn more about how to do it from your book!
Who wouldn’t woo such a multi-talented, adorable, giving (!) person you are! Your garden looks yummy; your book looks yummy, your videos are darling and good grief, a cartoonist too? I’d pay like real money just for that picture.
Love to win this…♥ My front yard is in need of a makeover and your book interests me…!!!
Dear Germinatrix, my husband and I just bought our first home two weeks ago and we are expecting a baby in January. My dream is to transform the Bermuda grass and weeded front yard into an edible paradise so that as our baby grows, we will be able to foster healthy eating throughout his/her lifetime. As a renter my entire life until recently, I never took the time to garden, but now that we own a home, I am thrilled to get started. Your book sounds like the perfect gift to help us materialize the dream. Thanks for the opportunity. Sincerely, Monica
Am I your Doppelganger? I would love the chance to own and promote your new book in my own suburban front yard edible demonstration garden. I am a Hort Scientist designer, who teaches germination, and small scale sustainable gardening for family, community and with consideration to nature.. In fact, I will eventually start my own facebook page but saw that my original name “Germinatrix” is taken.. Kudos for a great name and effort to promote food production! My yard is a constant trial of garden “experiments” For example, wild rice container gardens, a perennial woodlands with tea and dwarf Blueberries, Alpine strawberries, blood sorrel and native medicinals. Each spring, i grow hundreds of Heirloom and gourmet edibles for sale. I donate at least 10% of all plants to non- profits and community gardens. I would lOVE the oportunity to grow and promote your Heiroom seeds. If you ever come to NC, please look me up.
best to you and all you do.
Betsy Megalos
I’ve been coveting that book and saw that you are giving one away. I love the idea of using all of your space for growing edibles. The photos you have are truly inspirational with the many shades of green. I would love to have those herbs spilling over my small front yard. Pick me!!
I would love to win! This year I started tomato seeds in memory of my Gramps who just passed away not knowing if they would actually take.. Lets just say my first try was a success. I had to give away over 55 plants (not knowing which was the grape, cherry or roma because they were mixed up when I put them in larger containers from their seedlings.) they are my Xmas tomatoes!! I feel like Octomom with all 8 of them in the pots in my backyard along with zucchini, herbs, peppers, strawberries and a few varieties of chili peppers. I would love new seeds and information on what to do actually this way I could leave the seed shop guys alone for just a little bit. Really do not know what I am doing.. what a great idea to write these books!!
Sign me up! I requested the book from the library, but I’m still on the waiting list.
After being on a waitlist for almost a year, I just secured a community garden plot! I’ve been a silent reader of yours and Andrea’s blog, dreaming when I can finally apply everything I’ve learned from you both. I would love to have both your books as my bible for my first ever not-just-in-a-small-pot-in-the-patio garden!
My front yard is in the process. It takes time and energy and of course patience when funds are low. I sure could use some help after 2 years of medical inactivity.
I am *so* excited about your contest Ivette! I am disabled and am on a quest to improve my health and quality of life through live foods. My little plot of gardening space is out front and I had no idea how to make it both functional AND pretty. Lo and behold, you have a contest for this very dilemma! I am determined to turn my life around and your wonderful gift of gardening books and seeds will help me to put my garden together excellently, from “day one.” Thank you for the opportunity to win this great gift.
I just bought a home! I have not done anything with the yard yet…we are moving in this weekend. My grandchildren (who live with me) are absolutely in love with the idea of a garden! This would make their dream a reality!
I have a confession. I am a man and I like gardening….lol! I am new to gardening but in a short period of time, I have become obsessed. Well strike obsessed and replace that with passionate! My passion actually lead me to become a member of a community garden this year! I have come across some very good resources and like minded people. I would really like to learn from your book and give away! I need all the help that I can get through this learning curve! Thanks for giving us a chance to win it! Keep up the good work and thank you sharing your knowledge!
I live in Southern California and just this year have gotten back to growing crops… planted citrus in pots, then 2 types of tomatoes in galvanized buckets. I can just imagine the beautiful picture hanging in my kitchen… the colors are amazing! All of this in the giveaway makes me want to push myself to produce more edibles! Thank you.
Wow – what a great giveaway! I am a novice gardener and have only had mixed results in the last two seasons. Our front yard gets some of our best sun. This would be great!
LOVE gardens- seeds- plants- fresh from garden yumminess!
wow what a great prize for a very lucky winners. Hope it is me.
Thank you,
hi foxy!
i am working diligently into turning my giant, crabgrass filled yard with edibles – raised beds, fruit trees and outdoor living (since my tiny house doesn’t accommodate more than four for dinner). i long to turn my front yard into a truly edible front yard, with your help, i’ll be a lot closer! help a gardening librarian out!
Would love to win this giveaway! The book is great – borrowed it from a friend. Would love to have in my own bookcase.
Nice give away! I love to garden and hope my yard will (one day) look like yours!
Hello to all! I have a garden at home as well as tend the garden at the local Community Center. Everything about gardening is amazing! From the first seedling popping up to your first harvest and lets not forget perserving them to enjoy in the winter. Also a great learning tool! Thank you for this GREAT opportunity. “Life is a Garden, dig it”
If I don’t win I’ll still buy your book “The Edible Front Yard.” ‘Cause I’m readerly like that. If I do win, though, I’ll have a lovely bit of art to hang beside the dark wood of my dining room hutch, and seeds so I can start right away and more readerly stuff. I have lived all of my life in California with its droughts and wildfires and often shook my dismayed head at the suburban love affair with lawns. I want the free stuff, who doesn’t love free stuff? More than that though, I want to skip some of this frustrating trial and error and borrow from your wisdom. Please help this would-be house-proud hippie to find her front yard groove.
I’m a 1st year, zone 24 veggie grower who is in the process of converting her 1st plot of lawn into a cool season veg patch. Not only would I LOVE to read your book, I would love to plant those seeds for all the neighbors to see &, hopefully, get inspired by!
My daughter and I just started our first front yard garden! We planted Rosemary, rainbow chard and 3 kinds of spicy peppers. She’s five and thinks gardening is the most fun ever! She’d love to do it all day long!
I could put these things to great use!!
) Pick me…pick me!!! Please??
love it!! just started some serious gardening last year and I’m hooked!!! love going out to clip herbs and gather veggies for my family =) peace to ya!!
I would love to be just like you!!! My front lawn is gone 3 years now, and more non-GMO seeds would make my garden look and taste amazing.
thanks for the offer!
OH!! and that edible garden would look fabulous along side my Garden Goddess Stones!
love it!!
Ok, woo you…let’s see…you were the 2nd of my garden FB buds, Shawna was the first and opened the door to all of you fab peeps. We have a similar sense of humor, thrill of nature and food and could be dangerous in the same vicinity with a bottle of anything, but laugh, oh would we laugh!! I have been following you with the book during development, and then the release, and would LOVE to read it, moon over the pictures. Last, but not least, what really caught my eye in the giveway is your ‘cartoon’, I know just where it would go. Thanks for everything.
I would like to win. I’ve been gardening to help provide food for my family. I got into composting as well to provide plant food and reduce the amount of useable nutrients ending up in the landfill.
This is one of the most inspiring giveaways I’ve sen on a blog. We are in the midst of planning how to replace our front and back gardens with a combination of edibles and natives and this would be a huge help. Plus, there is a wall in my kitchen which needs that picture! It would look exactly right!
My babies 1 and 3 have really hit the ground running this year with our garden.. We would love to keep it growing and learning new things… thanks
We LOVE this and we LOVE your blog super muchly
Keep on growin’!
you know I love you….from like way back….like a creepy long time actually….and would cherish every bit of this little collection (except for your book, of course) which I would have to re-gift as I already have one. (But I would quite happily check off my first x-mas shopping item (in August!!) when I wrap it up for my mom).
what a purrfect way to spend the day
I love treasure! AND I have a seed addiction! <3