by germinatrix | October 31st, 2009

the lady prays as she slays her insect lover...
The world of the garden isn’t ALL flowers and fragrance and good times – there is also the intensity of sex and death, captured beautifully by my friend, Landscape Architect Natalie Sandoval in this image. The female praying mantis has bitten off her mate’s head mid coitus! HARDCORE!
A perfect image for this sunny Southern California Halloween – brought to you by The Germinatrix, known on twitter as a purveyor of fine Hort-Smut.
Happy Halloween, and watch me on The Garden World Report tomorrow!
LOL What a perfect Halloween garden image.
I’m so glad I am not one of them. Gives me the shivers….
Awesome. Perfect timing!
…by which I mean, the photo op…
oh, now my mind is deep in the gutter.
oh wow, have you seen the green porno series? i think you would appreciate them!